12-month mastermind that gives you the custom plan, live events, tools, community, coaching, accountability, and support necessary to scale to $1,000,000 a month and become number #1 in your niche

The Imperium Mastermind consists of 99 agency owners, coaches & consultants who want a more personalised deep dive into their business to ultimately scale them to 8 figures & beyond.

Who → What → Why → When → How

(👇 everything you need to know -> Scroll Down To Schedule A Call 👇)

Who it's for

The Imperium Mastermind is for you if you’re a coach, consultant, course creator, agency, or expert with an existing business making at least $30,000/month who has the desire to dominate their market and be #1.

What is it?

Imperium Mastermind is for entrepreneurs who can't settle for less than being #1. Annual membership, 3x 3-day live events & 1x virtual 3-day event, online training, live Q&A calls with 8 figure entrepeneurs and much more

Why should I join?

We care about fun, happiness, the relentless pursuit of excellence in business, and most importantly, client results. You won’t find irrelevant fluff or random celebrity speakers in our group. Just what you need to succeed, no more and no less.

When is it happening?

Quarterly → at our live events (x3 live + x1 virtual).

Weekly → on the Q&A calls with our Founders.

Daily → with 99+ other founders at 7-8 figures in our Skool community.

How does it work?

→ Live events: Quarterly 3-day live events - three are in-person, and one virtual event via Zoom.
​→ Event recordings: All live events are recorded so you don’t need to worry about missing them.
​→ EasyGrow Bonus: You’ll get bonus access to our flagship EasyGrow program which includes over 400+ course trainings, 100+ Coaching calls per month & 17 acquisition systems. (This program has generated over 3000+ successful case studies.)
​→ Tools: every tool you’ll need to build, test, maintain and optimize every facet of your business on the path to 8-figures.
​→ Community: Skool community where you can hang out with 99 other founders at 7-8 figures.
​→ Coaching: 2x weekly Q&A call on Zoom where you can ask Charlie Morgan & Baudouin Borghans (Founders of Imperium) questions live.
​→ Support: Get 24/7 support via the community 
Strategy Session: 1-1 strategy session with Charlie & Bau to build your gameplan for the next 12 months

    Goal: In just 12-months we'll help you gain clarity and laser focus on pivotal things in your business. Set a new standard of excellence, systemize everything, scale to 8-figures, hire a killer team, become #1.

    Next Steps: If you’re an expert with an existing business making at least $30,000/Mo and you’re interested in masterminding with 99 founders to maximize profits, client results, and your own happiness — Schedule a discovery call with CSO Alex Brunker to see if you're a fit for the Mastermind.


    Existing Mastermind Members

    Marcus Gilhooley
    Club Closer
    Lukas Kintzel
    White Lion Agency
    Thibault Doutriaux
    Magic Consulting
    Zander Woodford-Smith
    Business Coach Academy
    Martin Velarde
    Prakhar Keshari
    Digital Creativs Inc.
    Harvey A.
    Alfred Dzadey
    Real Property Ventures
    Alex Jackson
    Client Control
    August Siggesson
    Ethan Welby
    Agency Growth Partner
    KJ Rainey
    Copy Elite
    Sayeef Ahmed
    Editing Lair
    YT Agency